Nutritional therapy centers on the idea that we are all bio-individuals with our own unique make-up based on genetics, ancestral backgrounds, biochemical needs, and dietary preferences. Therefore, we believe that proper health can be achieved through a personalized approach to nutrition and lifestyle.
Over the centuries, our diets have evolved from being in nature as hunter-gatherers eating nutrient-dense, seasonal foods to curbside grocery store pick-ups and fast-food drive-ins with foods full of processed sugars, seed oils and chemicals. As a result, unfortunately, we have become more distanced from our food and the environments in which they grow.
It is believed that many of our modern health problems are a direct effect of poor nutrition that brings about weaknesses in our physiological make-up. Nutritional therapy addresses this by honoring the body’s innate wisdom and ability to correct itself when given the proper support. In the Evolution of the Modern Diet, it states, “Our innate wisdom are the instincts that guide us towards foods and habits that help us survive and thrive.” Every cell in our body relies on the food we put into it to help us maintain balance or homeostasis. By tapping into this inner wisdom again, we can reconnect to our bodies and environments in the way our bodies will feel at their best. I like to call this a sweet spot! Our bodies are functioning at an optimal level.
As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), I take on the role of guide or coach by supporting the foundations of health including optimal digestion, blood sugar regulation, consuming healthy fats, adequate mineral balance, proper hydration, and eating a well-prepared nutrient-dense whole food diet. My training allows me to assess your current lifestyle and diet and provide tailored recommendations and suggestions, answer questions, and encourage you to become more knowledgeable to reach your own health goals.
As your NTP, we would focus on progress, not perfection. I want to help clients determine their goals, empower them to make healthier choices, reconnect them with their innate wisdom and choose lifestyles that maximize their vitality and well-being. Our health journeys are all different, and each day we can strive to feel better and be better.
“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison” – Anne Wigmore
Nutritional Therapy Association. (2020). Evolution of the Modern Diet Student Guide [PDFdocument]. Retrieved from:
Wigmore, Anne. (1984). The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program. Penguin